Media Training


Whether you’re a politician, a businessperson, a charity representative or trade union leader, putting your case professionally is a must. Iain Dale can help you to do that, whether it’s on television, radio, social media or in the written press.

Iain has run political campaigns, been a parliamentary candidate, appeared regularly on television and radio as interviewer AND interviewee, has written a hugely successful political blog, has more than 300,000 social media followers and has written for every national newspaper and political magazine.

There is no one in the British political media with a wider experience.

He is now bringing this experience to bear in offering media training to individual and corporate clients.

Not everyone feels comfortable in front of a camera or a microphone. Let’s face it, it is something most people feel is quite unnatural. Iain’s job is to change that and help you become a better communicator.

If you'd like to have an initial chat with Iain please click on the CONTACT link at the top right hand side of this page.