I just looked back at my the resolutions I made for 2018. Here's how I did...
- To be consistently under 16 stone by the end of the year. I’m 16 1/2 at the moment and have been for some time. ACHIEVED. I'm under 15 1/2 now.
- To say ‘no’ more often, and not feel guilty about it. ACHIEVED, although it may not appear so. Only I know how much I turn down!
- Start writing a book. I have no idea what about, though. SEMI-ACHIEVED. I've written a detailed proposal, which will soon be ready to send to publishers.
- Get to 1 million listeners a week for my LBC show. NOT ACHIEVED, but given I've been moved to the evenings that's not my fault! I did achieve an all-time high at Drive, though.
- Ignore the Twitter trolls and stop being wound up by them. SEMI-ACHIEVED. In all honesty it's never going to happen, but it's happening less and less. I just block he tossers.
- Visit Rome for the first time since 1980! NOT ACHIEVED.
- Travel outside Europe. ACHIEVED - I went to Azerbaijan, which to my mind is more Asia than Europe!
- Do more writing for newspapers and magazines. ACHIEVED.
- Restart my blog, by committing to write at least one piece a day when the new site is launched in January. ACHIEVED.
- Socialise more with friends who I feel I have neglected in recent years. NOT ACHIEVED. I'm a very bad friend at the moment.
So let's look forward to 2019...
- To read at least 5 novels this year. I didn't read a single one in 2018
- To avoid rising to the bait trolls lay for me on Twitter
- Spend much more time in Norfolk
- Do, by which I mean perform in, a show at the Edinburgh Festival
- End the year weighing less than I do now, 15 1/2 stone, which is more than a stone lighter than I was this time in 2017
- Dress better. New shirts. New suits
- To see Alphaville in concert
- To spend less time with a screen in front of me
- To play at least ten rounds of golf
- To surprise myself. If that's even possible at 56.