Six weeks ago I got a call asking if I would like to do a fashion shoot for Esquire Magazine. Naturally I thought someone was having a laugh at my expense, but no, it turned out to be true. Esquire wanted to shoot a session with seven male Tories which they have called DRESSING TO THE RIGHT. Ha ha. So off I toddled up to a studio in north London where I met the photographer Nadav Kander and Esquire's political editor, Joe Phelan (now that's a job I'd like to have!). And, well, this is the result. I have to say it's not a photo I shall be requesting the original of! If that's the best one out of the 100 or so they took, then Christ alone knows what the rest of them were like. The others to take part were Jesse Norman, Damian Collins, Kulveer Ranger, Jeremy Brier, Chris Philpand David Bull. I reckon Kulveer's picture is the best. I don't think I shall be rushing to repeat the experience.
Note: The suit they made me wear is £575, the shirt £70, tie £70 and the pen £295! All by Abercrombie