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We all know that all good things come to an end at some point, and so it is with this era of the For the Many podcast. Why? Because Jacqui has been elevated to the House of Lords and has been appointed Minister of State for skills, further and higher education. I've discovered that it's possible to be both thrilled and gutted simultaneously. Thrilled for Jacqui but gutted that it means the end of our unique partnership. In all honesty, I feel as if a limb has been ripped off me. 

We started the podcast back in November 2017 (I think) and we’re now approaching the 500th episode. Jacqui and I first met in 2009 but our friendship only blossomed when we started doing Sky News paper reviews together. We then moved to Good Morning Britain, and then came the idea for the podcast. Since then we have become the best of friends. I don’t make friends easily and can count on the fingers of one hand the real friends I’ve made in politics, but Jacqui is one of them. We’ve helped each other through one or two tough times over the last six and a half years. 


For the Many

I said in the past that if Jacqui left the podcast, I’d end it as I couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else. However, the podcast has almost become a club and it would be a shame just to end it here. So what now? I don’t want to rush into anything, because if someone else is to come in to fill Jacqui’s shoes, there needs to be a rapport between us. What I do know is that whoever it is needs to be female, not on the right, have a very well-developed sense of humour, and have a bit of a national profile.

I’ve decided that I’m going to take my time before deciding on a permanent appointment. So for the next period of time I’m going to copy HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU and do each episode with a different co-presenter. There will be two episodes a week, released on a Monday and Thursday night.


For the Many Live at Cardiff

I have already been approached by some fairly well known politicos but would welcome your suggestions too. Just leave a comment here or drop me an email. In the end, it is inevitable that the podcast will evolve, as my rapport with Jacqui was fairly unique and will be almost impossible to replicate.


FTM Broadstairs

Shelagh Fogarty will be on the podcast on Thursday but tomorrow, Monday, Jacqui and I will record what will no doubt be a rather tearful episode. We’ll also be live on stage in Broadstairs on Saturday with Gyles Brandreth. I’m told there are only 15 tickets left, should you wish to join us.