Liam Fox

A world without America would be a far better place.


Emily Thornberry

I totally agree that Donald Trump has proved to be an excellent President.


Ann Widdecombe

It's a bit overdone, that religion malarkey, isn't it?


Nadine Dorries

Thirty two weeks? No problem, just hand me the coathanger.


Tommy Robinson

Is this the way to Mecca?


John Redwood

We want spending increases. When do we want them? Now!


Vince Cable

Twickenham's a right ****hole, isn't it?


Sir Keir Starmer

I so hate my hair.


Jacob Rees-Mogg

The benefits of EU membership have been severely underestimated


Leanne Wood

Sod Wales, what's happening in God's own country, England?


Nigel Farage

A mineral water please.


Jeremy Corbyn

I'm unreservedly in favour of a People's Vote


Theresa May

Everything. Has. Changed.


Jess Phillips

I say old chap, would you mind awfully if I commented on something. Terribly kind of you.


Nicola Sturgeon

Get me a part in Outlander and I'll can the referendum


Jean-Claude Juncker

Whatever you like, Theresa.


Tim Farron

Yes, please sign me up for that Attitude subscription


Anna Soubry

I've said it once, and I'll say it again, Jacob makes a very good point


Arlene Foster

I like the backstop so much, let's have two of them


Donald Trump

Tear down that wall