My invite to Derek Draper's blogging breakfast seems to have got lost in the post. Guido and Harry Phibbs have all the details so I won't go into inordinate detail. But one thing struck me about the whole event.

Doesn't it just illustrate the differences between the two philosophies that Labour seems to think it has to coordinate its blogging activities in a collectivist, centralised manner, whereas the Conservatives are happy for right of centre bloggers to plough their own furroughs? And which side has been more successful? I rest my case.

I was interested to see via Tory Bear that Labour attack pitbull Adrian McMenamin on the attendance list. Readers may remember he is a former Labour spin doctor who was behind the charmingly named website (sadly now defunct). Last time he reared his party political head he was nearly sacked by his employers, the CBI. If he was wise he would have declined the invitation to bacon & eggs with Mr Draper. If he attended, there may be consequences.

Apparently Derek Draper is looking for a "Labour Iain Dale". Shudder. Some are even suggesting that Derek himself could fill the role. Double shudder. I will know my career in blogging is over when someone refers to me as "The Conservatives' Derek Draper". It will be time to get my coat and retire to Eastbourne.

UPDATE: It seems poor Chris Paul didn't get an invite to brekkers with Derek. He writes...

Clearly Derek Draper doesn't realise that some of the more powerful and useful elements of the Labour blogosphere exist beyond the M25.

In the comments Derek gives a rather unconvincing excuse as to why Chris wasn't invited. But Chris isn't falling for it. I think most of the readers of this blog can hazard a guess as to why hhis presence wasn't required.

Nor, I think did Labour blogger Will Parbury get an invite, if this quote from his blog is anything to go by...

If the Labour Party wants to spin the web, fine, indeed it should be but is there any less suited person for the role than Derek Draper? Fred West perhaps… Spinners should never be the story and Mutley much to the chargin of the RSPCA has story written all over him.


UPDATE: Kerron Cross is laying claim to the title of "Labour's Iain Dale". Apparently I gave it to him.