Twenty Things I Did For the First Time...

  • 11 Apr 2018

First Job Mucking out my Dad’s pigs on a Saturday morning for 10p an hour First Real Job Researcher to Patrick Thompson MP 1985-7 First Role in Politics Chairman of UEA Conservatives in 1981 First Car An orange Ford Cortina Mk III, lovingly nicknamed the Big Jaffa. I wrote ...

Why a Gap Year Is The Best Thing I Ever Did

  • 10 Apr 2018

It really gets my goat when I hear people who ought to know better advising 18 year olds not to go on gap years. Instead, they should concentrate on getting work experience and extra training. Balls. Going on a gap year was the best decision I have ever made - apart from hitc...

A Letter to my 16 Year Old Self

  • 9 Apr 2018

I wrote this in 2010. I wouldn’t change a word of it now… Dear Iain, This could turn into a 100 page epistle, if I am not careful. As you know, you have had a perfect childhood - brought up by two loving parents in a wonderful rural environment. I know you know how lucky you...

FROM THE ARCHIVES: In Conversation with Adam Boulton

  • 9 Apr 2018

THIS INTERVIEW IS FROM EARLY 2010. Adam Boulton is a legend and I have huge respect for him. He probably spends more hours live on air than any other political journalist. He has an incredible knack of explaining complex political issues to the Sky News viewers, he can be c...

FROM THE ARCHIVES: In Conversation with Alex Salmond

  • 8 Apr 2018

This was the first In Conversation interview I did for Total Politics, back in July 2008, nearly ten years ago. I met Alex Salmond in his House of Commons office and talked for close on two hours. It was a strange experience as he twice had to go to vote, which meant that we c...

WATCH: In Conversation with Jeremy Thompson

  • 7 Apr 2018

The very brilliant Jeremy Thompson, talking about his career in news and his autobiograhy which I had the honour of publishing. Buy the book HERE

ConHome Diary: Gang Grooming & Why Theresa May Could Fight the 2022 Election

  • 6 Apr 2018

So far this year there have been 51 murders in London. If the rate continues we will have close on 200 murders in 2018 compared to 130 last year. That’s quite an increase. The mayor of London is completely devoid of ideas as to what to do and jerks his knee by blaming police c...

WATCH: CNN Talk: Can We Wean Ourselves off Plastic?

  • 6 Apr 2018

Can we wean ourselves off plastic? That was our question today. If you want a good laugh make sure you watch the first few minutes when I expose Ayesha’s coffee cup habit!

Forty Things That I Loved About the 1980s

  • 6 Apr 2018

Margaret Thatcher Labour couldn’t win an election Putting the Unions back in their box Enabling millions of people to buy shares for the first time A-ha & Alphaville Audi Quattros Ejecting the Argentinians...

If You're Standing in the May Elections, Here are 20 Pieces of Advice...

  • 5 Apr 2018

A few years ago I wrote this in relation to people who stand for Parliament. It got quite a reaction. So if you’re standing for your local council in the May elections, quite a lot of this applies to you too! You can’t do everything yourself. Let others take the strai...

WATCH: CNNTalk - Can the Gender Pay Gap Ever Be Bridged?

  • 4 Apr 2018

A feisty discussion, which turns rather heated towards the end! With Ayesha Hazirika, Liam Halligan and me, with Hannah Vaughan Jones presenting.

FROM THE ARCHIVES: In Conversation With Alastair Campbell

  • 4 Apr 2018

I did this interview in July 2010. Alastair never knowingly gives a bad interview and he was certainly very open in this two hour conversation. When did you start writing your diary? I’ve always done a diary, I started when I was a kid when my dad was in hospital and I use...

My Speed Awareness Course Experience

  • 2 Apr 2018

This is from September 2009. This morning I attended a two and a half hour long speed awareness course, having been caught doing 37 mph in a 30 limit in Brixton at 3am one morning in early June. I will admit to being slightly sceptical of what it would entail, but I have to...

FROM THE ARCHIVES: In Conversation With Matthew Parris

  • 2 Apr 2018

This is an interview I did with Matthew Parris in September 2010. It remains one of my favourites. It’s another interview that has stood the test of time. If you poll any group of politicians, journalists or newspaper readers and ask them who their top rated political colum...

40 Things I Loved About the 1980s

  • 1 Apr 2018

Margaret Thatcher Labour couldn’t win an election Putting the Unions back in their box Enabling millions of people to buy shares for the first time A-ha & Alphaville Audi Quattros Ejecting the Argentinians...

FROM THE ARCHIVES: What Really Happened at Margaret Thatcher's Final Cabinet Meeting

  • 1 Apr 2018

Some time ago, back in 2006, I had intended to write a book about the month leading up to Margaret Thatcher’s fall from power. Part of the incentive to do so was that there seemed to be so many conflicting accounts of what actually happened. I knew I would be able to get acces...

From the Archives: In Conversation with Peter Mandelson

  • 31 Mar 2018

Back in November 2010 I interviewed Peter Mandelson. He was in soul bearing mood. I thought you might enjoy it all over again. It took place not long after hi autogiograhy had been published, and only a couple of months after Ed Miliband’s election as Labour leader. Reading th...

ConHome Diary: The Weasel Words of David Gauke, Theresa's Great Fortnight & Oblivion Beckons for UKIP

  • 30 Mar 2018

I’m afraid David Gauke’s weasel excuses for not himself launching a judicial review on the John Worboys case just won’t wash. It should never have been left to two of his victims to have to bring the case, and no amount of wriggling on the part of the Justice Secretary will ch...

BOOK REVIEW: Winning Here by Chris Rennard

  • 27 Mar 2018

It may have taken my 15 years, but I always get my man in the end. Back in 2003 I asked Chris Rennard to write a book about the art of political campaigning. If my memory is correct, he liked the idea but didn’t feel he could do it while still working actively for the LibDems....

BOOK REVIEW: What Happened by Hillary Clinton

  • 26 Mar 2018

There are some books you finish reading and think to yourself: “Why in God’s name was this book written?” In the case of Hillary Clinton, I suppose it was cheaper than paying for hours of therapy. Half way through this book I wanted to give up. Indeed, I had that thought afte...