Articles tagged Conservative Party:

All Women Shortlists - Not in my Name

  • 20 Oct 2009

I agreed with much of what David Cameron had to say about attracting a more diverse range of Conservative candidates. Much progress has been made in this direction, not just over the last three years, but over the last ten. The selection methods which were instituted under Iai...

Reflecting on Bracknell & Moving On

  • 18 Oct 2009

First of all, I have been overwhelmed over the last 24 hours by all the emails, texts, tweets and blog comments people have left. 98% of them have been very nice and almost made me feel like I am reading my own obituary! Yesterday was a a very good one for Bracknell Conserv...

Reflections on the 2009 Conservative Conference

  • 8 Oct 2009

First of all, a heartfelt apology. I know I have been a useless blogger this week. I always find it difficult to do good blogging at conferences. This year, for some reason, I just couldn't motivate myself to blog much. It was partly that I didn't go into the conference hall m...

In Praise of Party Agents

  • 4 Oct 2009

Yesterday evening I gave an after dinner speech at the Conservative Conference to 180 party agents and their guests. I will admit to being somewhat nervous at the prospect having been to one or two of these boozy events in the past. However, I shouldn't have worried as they we...

Why I'd Like to be MP for Bracknell

  • 30 Sep 2009

  Some of you may have seen on various sites over the last two days that I am in the final round of the parliamentary selection for Bracknell. I didn't want to say anything here until the shortlist was officially announced by the local party. There are seven of us in the...

An Open Letter to Ben Bradshaw & Chris Bryant

  • 3 Jul 2009

Dear Ben and Chris, I have read your attacks on the Conservative Party and its attitude to homosexuality with a mounting sense of despair. I do not believe there is anything the Conservative Party could do to stop these partisan attacks. Michael Howard apologised for Sectio...

Greshams Lecture: What is the Conservative Party For?

  • 9 Jan 2004

At Greshams School, Holt WHAT IS THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY FOR?   The title of this lecture is intended to be a little provocative – what is the Conservartive Party for?  And I don’t mean in the sense of – it’s for hanging, or it’s for low taxes, I mean what is its purpo...

Manuscript: Conservative Party Election Manifestos 1945-97

  • 11 Nov 1997

  Conservative Party General Election Manifestos 1945-1997   ed by Iain Dale     Conservative Party General Election Manifestos 1945-1997                 edited by Iain Dale                     ...